Thursday, November 5, 2009

time change

it's that delightful time of year when it's dark about 10 minutes after i get out of work. makes me sleepy and makes me want to do nothing.

we have not, however, been doing nothing.

last week i met mmm and his friends in FLA. we trekked to tampa for the game. that's all i really want to say about that. i did have a great time getting away and soaking in the sunshine, though.

halloween came next and bbb thoroughly enjoyed his night of mayhem. he couldn't get over all the kids in the street. our neighborhood lends itself to large groups of kids. we've never had a year wtih less than 300. bbb loved pretending to be scared and giving editorial comments to the other trick-or-treaters. perhaps the best moment was when he asked two old men passing out candy if they were "a couple of old pirates." i was proud.

this week has been spent running errands and taking care of odds and ends. i groomed rowan the other evening so he's extremely clean and fluffy. and his claws no longer resemble talons.

busy at work (as usual). board meeting today and tomorrow, though my responsibilities are thankfully minimal.

need to start planning holiday baking and gifts. thinking minimal this year. it's much more satisfying to focus on bbb and the fun he makes of holidays. he told us yesterday that he's going to be dash for christmas as well. mmm responded with a clear and loud "excellent!"

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