Saturday, January 15, 2011


catching a breath here, somewhat. the house is truly feeling like home and being here just makes me happy.

winter is wearing out its welcome with me, mostly because i'm tired of cleaning up salty melt tracks all over the house. and i'm tired of trying to keep a coat on ben. he's good with the hat thing, but he sees his coat as a mortal enemy of sorts.

the weather is lending itself to two things consistently: hearty food and saddish music.

good arms vs. bad arms. does it get any sadder than this song?

as for the food... braised beef ribs this afternoon. 750ml of cabernet started it off- in the pot, not our glasses. we enjoyed several hours of a delicious-smelling kitchen.

sous chef benny helped me roast fingerlings. i attempted to recreate an onion tart that matt likes, but i apparently missed the mark. still good, but not the recipe he remembered.

chocolate pie with the leftover crust.

all in all a lovely, homey day.

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